You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2013 by Michael Dvorkin. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
11 years ago
package mop
import ``
// ColumnEditor handles column sort order. When activated it highlights
// current column name in the header, then waits for arrow keys (choose
// another column), Enter (reverse sort order), or Esc (exit).
type ColumnEditor struct {
screen *Screen // Pointer to Screen so we could use screen.Draw().
quotes *Quotes // Pointer to Quotes to redraw them when the sort order changes.
profile *Profile // Pointer to Profile where we save newly selected sort order.
// Initialize sets internal variables and highlights current column name
// (as stored in Profile).
func (editor *ColumnEditor) Initialize(screen *Screen, quotes *Quotes) *ColumnEditor {
editor.screen = screen
editor.quotes = quotes
editor.profile = quotes.profile
return editor
// Handle takes over the keyboard events and dispatches them to appropriate
// column editor handlers. It returns true when user presses Esc.
func (editor *ColumnEditor) Handle(event termbox.Event) bool {
defer editor.redrawHeader()
switch event.Key {
case termbox.KeyEsc:
return editor.done()
case termbox.KeyEnter:
case termbox.KeyArrowLeft:
case termbox.KeyArrowRight:
return false
func (editor *ColumnEditor) selectCurrentColumn() *ColumnEditor {
editor.profile.selected_column = editor.profile.SortColumn
return editor
func (editor *ColumnEditor) selectLeftColumn() *ColumnEditor {
if editor.profile.selected_column < 0 {
editor.profile.selected_column = TotalColumns - 1
return editor
func (editor *ColumnEditor) selectRightColumn() *ColumnEditor {
if editor.profile.selected_column > TotalColumns - 1 {
editor.profile.selected_column = 0
return editor
func (editor *ColumnEditor) execute() *ColumnEditor {
if editor.profile.Reorder() == nil {
return editor
func (editor *ColumnEditor) done() bool {
editor.profile.selected_column = -1
return true
func (editor *ColumnEditor) redrawHeader() {
editor.screen.DrawLine(0, 4, editor.screen.layout.Header(editor.profile))