// Copyright (c) 2013 by Michael Dvorkin. All Rights Reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package mop import ( `bytes` `fmt` `regexp` `strings` `text/template` `time` ) const TotalColumns = 15 type Column struct { width int title string } type Layout struct { columns []Column } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (self *Layout) Initialize() *Layout { self.columns = []Column{ { -7, `Ticker` }, { 10, `Last` }, { 10, `Change` }, { 10, `Change%` }, { 10, `Open` }, { 10, `Low` }, { 10, `High` }, { 10, `52w Low` }, { 10, `52w High` }, { 11, `Volume` }, { 11, `AvgVolume` }, { 9, `P/E` }, { 9, `Dividend` }, { 9, `Yield` }, { 11, `MktCap` }, } return self } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (self *Layout) Market(market *Market) string { if ok, err := market.Ok(); !ok { return err } buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) markup := `{{.Dow.name}}: {{.Dow.change}} ({{.Dow.percent}}) at {{.Dow.latest}}, {{.Sp500.name}}: {{.Sp500.change}} ({{.Sp500.percent}}) at {{.Sp500.latest}}, {{.Nasdaq.name}}: {{.Nasdaq.change}} ({{.Nasdaq.percent}}) at {{.Nasdaq.latest}} {{.Advances.name}}: {{.Advances.nyse}} ({{.Advances.nysep}}) on NYSE and {{.Advances.nasdaq}} ({{.Advances.nasdaqp}}) on Nasdaq. {{.Declines.name}}: {{.Declines.nyse}} ({{.Declines.nysep}}) on NYSE and {{.Declines.nasdaq}} ({{.Declines.nasdaqp}}) on Nasdaq {{if .IsClosed}}U.S. markets closed{{end}} New highs: {{.Highs.nyse}} on NYSE and {{.Highs.nasdaq}} on Nasdaq. New lows: {{.Lows.nyse}} on NYSE and {{.Lows.nasdaq}} on Nasdaq.` highlight(market.Dow, market.Sp500, market.Nasdaq) template,_ := template.New(`market`).Parse(markup) template.Execute(buffer, market) return buffer.String() } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (self *Layout) Quotes(quotes *Quotes) string { if ok, err := quotes.Ok(); !ok { return err } vars := struct { Now string Header string Stocks []Stock }{ time.Now().Format(`3:04:05pm PST`), self.Header(quotes.profile), self.prettify(quotes), } buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) markup := `{{.Now}} {{.Header}} {{range.Stocks}}{{if .Advancing}}{{end}}{{.Ticker}}{{.LastTrade}}{{.Change}}{{.ChangePct}}{{.Open}}{{.Low}}{{.High}}{{.Low52}}{{.High52}}{{.Volume}}{{.AvgVolume}}{{.PeRatio}}{{.Dividend}}{{.Yield}}{{.MarketCap}} {{end}}` template,_ := template.New(`quotes`).Parse(markup) template.Execute(buffer, vars) return buffer.String() } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (self *Layout) Header(profile *Profile) string { str, selected_column := ``, profile.selected_column for i,col := range self.columns { arrow := arrow_for(i, profile) if i != selected_column { str += fmt.Sprintf(`%*s`, col.width, arrow + col.title) } else { str += fmt.Sprintf(`%*s`, col.width, arrow + col.title) } } return `` + str + `` } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func (self *Layout) prettify(quotes *Quotes) []Stock { pretty := make([]Stock, len(quotes.stocks)) for i, q := range quotes.stocks { pretty[i].Ticker = pad(q.Ticker, self.columns[0].width) pretty[i].LastTrade = pad(currency(q.LastTrade), self.columns[1].width) pretty[i].Change = pad(currency(q.Change), self.columns[2].width) pretty[i].ChangePct = pad(last(q.ChangePct), self.columns[3].width) pretty[i].Open = pad(currency(q.Open), self.columns[4].width) pretty[i].Low = pad(currency(q.Low), self.columns[5].width) pretty[i].High = pad(currency(q.High), self.columns[6].width) pretty[i].Low52 = pad(currency(q.Low52), self.columns[7].width) pretty[i].High52 = pad(currency(q.High52), self.columns[8].width) pretty[i].Volume = pad(q.Volume, self.columns[9].width) pretty[i].AvgVolume = pad(q.AvgVolume, self.columns[10].width) pretty[i].PeRatio = pad(blank(q.PeRatioX), self.columns[11].width) pretty[i].Dividend = pad(blank_currency(q.Dividend), self.columns[12].width) pretty[i].Yield = pad(percent(q.Yield), self.columns[13].width) pretty[i].MarketCap = pad(currency(q.MarketCapX), self.columns[14].width) pretty[i].Advancing = q.Advancing } profile := quotes.profile new(Sorter).Initialize(profile).SortByCurrentColumn(pretty) // // Group stocks by advancing/declining unless sorted by Chanage or Change% // in which case the grouping is done already. // if profile.Grouped && (profile.SortColumn < 2 || profile.SortColumn > 3) { pretty = group(pretty) } return pretty } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func highlight(collections ...map[string]string) { for _, collection := range collections { if collection[`change`][0:1] != `-` { collection[`change`] = `` + collection[`change`] + `` } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func group(stocks []Stock) []Stock { grouped := make([]Stock, len(stocks)) current := 0 for _,stock := range stocks { if strings.Index(stock.Change, "-") == -1 { grouped[current] = stock current++ } } for _,stock := range stocks { if strings.Index(stock.Change, "-") != -1 { grouped[current] = stock current++ } } return grouped } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func arrow_for(column int, profile *Profile) string { if column == profile.SortColumn { if profile.Ascending { return string('\U00002191') } return string('\U00002193') } return `` } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func blank(str string) string { if len(str) == 3 && str[0:3] == `N/A` { return `-` } return str } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func blank_currency(str string) string { if str == `0.00` { return `-` } return currency(str) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func last(str string) string { if len(str) >= 6 && str[0:6] != `N/A - ` { return str } return str[6:] } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func currency(str string) string { if str == `N/A` { return `-` } if sign := str[0:1]; sign == `+` || sign == `-` { return sign + `$` + str[1:] } return `$` + str } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func percent(str string) string { if str == `N/A` { return `-` } return str + `%` } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- func pad(str string, width int) string { re := regexp.MustCompile(`(\.\d+)[MB]?$`) match := re.FindStringSubmatch(str) if len(match) > 0 { switch len(match[1]) { case 2: str = strings.Replace(str, match[1], match[1] + `0`, 1) case 4, 5: str = strings.Replace(str, match[1], match[1][0:3], 1) } } return fmt.Sprintf(`%*s`, width, str) }