You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2013 by Michael Dvorkin. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
package mop
import (
// Column describes formatting rules for individual column within the list
// of stock quotes.
type Column struct {
width int // Column width.
name string // The name of the field in the Stock struct.
title string // Column title to display in the header.
formatter func(string)string // Optional function to format the contents of the column.
// Layout is used to format and display all the collected data, i.e. market
// updates and the list of stock quotes.
type Layout struct {
columns []Column // List of stock quotes columns.
sorter *Sorter // Pointer to sorting receiver.
regex *regexp.Regexp // Pointer to regular expression to align decimal points.
marketTemplate *template.Template // Pointer to template to format market data.
quotesTemplate *template.Template // Pointer to template to format the list of stock quotes.
// Initialize assigns the default values that stay unchanged for the life of
// allocated Layout struct.
func (layout *Layout) Initialize() *Layout {
layout.columns = []Column{
{ -7, `Ticker`, `Ticker`, nil },
{ 10, `LastTrade`, `Last`, currency },
{ 10, `Change`, `Change`, currency },
{ 10, `ChangePct`, `Change%`, last },
{ 10, `Open`, `Open`, currency },
{ 10, `Low`, `Low`, currency },
{ 10, `High`, `High`, currency },
{ 10, `Low52`, `52w Low`, currency },
{ 10, `High52`, `52w High`, currency },
{ 11, `Volume`, `Volume`, nil },
{ 11, `AvgVolume`, `AvgVolume`, nil },
{ 9, `PeRatio`, `P/E`, blank },
{ 9, `Dividend`, `Dividend`, zero },
{ 9, `Yield`, `Yield`, percent },
{ 11, `MarketCap`, `MktCap`, currency },
layout.regex = regexp.MustCompile(`(\.\d+)[BMK]?$`)
layout.marketTemplate = buildMarketTemplate()
layout.quotesTemplate = buildQuotesTemplate()
return layout
// Market merges given market data structure with the market template and
// returns formatted string that includes highlighting markup.
func (layout *Layout) Market(market *Market) string {
if ok, err := market.Ok(); !ok { // If there was an error fetching market data...
return err // then simply return the error string.
highlight(market.Dow, market.Sp500, market.Nasdaq, market.London, market.Frankfurt,
market.Paris, market.Tokyo, market.HongKong, market.Shanghai)
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
layout.marketTemplate.Execute(buffer, market)
return buffer.String()
// Quotes uses quotes template to format timestamp, stock quotes header,
// and the list of given stock quotes. It returns formatted string with
// all the necessary markup.
func (layout *Layout) Quotes(quotes *Quotes) string {
if ok, err := quotes.Ok(); !ok { // If there was an error fetching stock quotes...
return err // then simply return the error string.
vars := struct {
Now string // Current timestamp.
Header string // Formatted header line.
Stocks []Stock // List of formatted stock quotes.
time.Now().Format(`3:04:05pm PST`),
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
layout.quotesTemplate.Execute(buffer, vars)
return buffer.String()
// Header iterates over column titles and formats the header line. The
// formatting includes placing an arrow next to the sorted column title.
// When the column editor is active it knows how to highlight currently
// selected column title.
func (layout *Layout) Header(profile *Profile) string {
str, selectedColumn := ``, profile.selectedColumn
for i,col := range layout.columns {
arrow := arrowFor(i, profile)
if i != selectedColumn {
str += fmt.Sprintf(`%*s`, col.width, arrow + col.title)
} else {
str += fmt.Sprintf(`<r>%*s</r>`, col.width, arrow + col.title)
return `<u>` + str + `</u>`
// TotalColumns is the utility method for the column editor that returns
// total number of columns.
func (layout *Layout) TotalColumns() int {
return len(layout.columns)
func (layout *Layout) prettify(quotes *Quotes) []Stock {
pretty := make([]Stock, len(quotes.stocks))
// Iterate over the list of stocks and properly format all its columns.
for i, stock := range quotes.stocks {
pretty[i].Advancing = stock.Advancing
// Iterate over the list of stock columns. For each column name:
// - Get current column value.
// - If the column has the formatter method then call it.
// - Set the column value padding it to the given width.
for _,column := range layout.columns {
// ex. value = stock.Change
value := reflect.ValueOf(&stock).Elem().FieldByName(
if column.formatter != nil {
// ex. value = currency(value)
value = column.formatter(value)
// ex. pretty[i].Change = layout.pad(value, 10)
reflect.ValueOf(&pretty[i]).Elem().FieldByName(, column.width))
profile := quotes.profile
if layout.sorter == nil { // Initialize sorter on first invocation.
layout.sorter = new(Sorter).Initialize(profile)
// Group stocks by advancing/declining unless sorted by Chanage or Change%
// in which case the grouping has been done already.
if profile.Grouped && (profile.SortColumn < 2 || profile.SortColumn > 3) {
pretty = group(pretty)
return pretty
func (layout *Layout) pad(str string, width int) string {
match := layout.regex.FindStringSubmatch(str)
if len(match) > 0 {
switch len(match[1]) {
case 2:
str = strings.Replace(str, match[1], match[1] + `0`, 1)
case 4, 5:
str = strings.Replace(str, match[1], match[1][0:3], 1)
return fmt.Sprintf(`%*s`, width, str)
func buildMarketTemplate() *template.Template {
markup := `<yellow>{{}}</> {{.Dow.change}} ({{.Dow.percent}}) at {{.Dow.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.Sp500.change}} ({{.Sp500.percent}}) at {{.Sp500.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.Nasdaq.change}} ({{.Nasdaq.percent}}) at {{.Nasdaq.latest}}
<yellow>{{}}</> {{.London.change}} ({{.London.percent}}) at {{.London.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.Frankfurt.change}} ({{.Frankfurt.percent}}) at {{.Frankfurt.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.Paris.change}} ({{.Paris.percent}}) at {{.Paris.latest}} {{if .IsClosed}}<right>U.S. markets closed</right>{{end}}
<yellow>{{}}</> {{.Tokyo.change}} ({{.Tokyo.percent}}) at {{.Tokyo.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.HongKong.change}} ({{.HongKong.percent}}) at {{.HongKong.latest}} <yellow>{{}}</> {{.Shanghai.change}} ({{.Shanghai.percent}}) at {{.Shanghai.latest}}`
return template.Must(template.New(`market`).Parse(markup))
func buildQuotesTemplate() *template.Template {
markup := `<right><white>{{.Now}}</></right>
{{range.Stocks}}{{if .Advancing}}<green>{{end}}{{.Ticker}}{{.LastTrade}}{{.Change}}{{.ChangePct}}{{.Open}}{{.Low}}{{.High}}{{.Low52}}{{.High52}}{{.Volume}}{{.AvgVolume}}{{.PeRatio}}{{.Dividend}}{{.Yield}}{{.MarketCap}}</>
return template.Must(template.New(`quotes`).Parse(markup))
func highlight(collections[string]string) {
for _, collection := range collections {
if collection[`change`][0:1] != `-` {
collection[`change`] = `<green>` + collection[`change`] + `</>`
func group(stocks []Stock) []Stock {
grouped := make([]Stock, len(stocks))
current := 0
for _,stock := range stocks {
if stock.Advancing {
grouped[current] = stock
for _,stock := range stocks {
if !stock.Advancing {
grouped[current] = stock
return grouped
func arrowFor(column int, profile *Profile) string {
if column == profile.SortColumn {
if profile.Ascending {
return string('\U00002191')
return string('\U00002193')
return ``
func blank(str string) string {
if len(str) == 3 && str[0:3] == `N/A` {
return `-`
return str
func zero(str string) string {
if str == `0.00` {
return `-`
return currency(str)
func last(str string) string {
if len(str) >= 6 && str[0:6] == `N/A - ` {
return str[6:]
return str
func currency(str string) string {
if str == `N/A` {
return `-`
if sign := str[0:1]; sign == `+` || sign == `-` {
return sign + `$` + str[1:]
return `$` + str
func percent(str string) string {
if str == `N/A` {
return `-`
return str + `%`